Tag Archive for 'gamescollective'

It’s been too long!

I don’t know why, I got kind of distracted…

I made a bunch of games, but never got around to updating properly. Chances are if you read twitter you’ve seen all of these already, so this is just a quick post to round up all the games I’ve made since last June, but neglected to mention!

Cumulate Nimble
Enemy of the Solid State
Unko’s Adventure in Magical Land
Bonbon’s Voyage
Happy Kitty Eats Christmas

Hope to have more games soon ^o^

Round up of junky games

I made a bunch of games, but I’m only just getting around to posting them. (They’re all pretty small…)

First, a visual novel thing. I’m not too happy with this, but mostly because I got frustrated with it halfway through. Still, it has some interesting bits I suppose.

Ludum Dare was a couple of weeks ago! I made this. Then…

…I made this in the last couple of hours of the competition.

Ludum Dare was fun. I met up with Terry, Perrin, and a bunch of other guys in CB2 to all work on LD together (but alone, as those are the rules!) It was nice to work in a more social setting, as LD tends to be a lonely lonely experience. XD

Although, this kind of emphasised for me exactly how much I don’t care for the scoring afterwards. I think it took away the fun somewhat.